Tackling the Mess: How to Keep Your Room Clean & Organized

Tackling the Mess: How to Keep Your Room Clean & Organized

January 18, 2023 Off By Editor lcesummit

Set a Cleaning Routine

  1. Establish a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning routine: Start by setting a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning routine that works for you and your lifestyle.
  2. Prioritize tasks: Organize your cleaning tasks from most important to least important. Doing this will help you stay on track and get the most important tasks done first.
  3. Break tasks down into small chunks: Instead of looking at the big picture, break your cleaning tasks into small, manageable pieces. This will make the tasks easier to accomplish.
  4. Commit to doing the task: Make a commitment to yourself to complete the task. This will help you stay motivated, and it will also help you stay on track.
  5. Set a timer: Setting a timer for yourself will help you stay focused and on task. It will also help you stay motivated and on track.
  6. Use a checklist: Having a checklist of all the tasks you need to complete will help keep you organized and motivated.
  7. Get rid of clutter: Decluttering your room is one of the best ways to keep it organized and clean. Make sure to go through everything and get rid of anything you don’t need.
  8. Find a place for everything: Once you’ve decluttered, designate specific places for all your items. This will make it easier to find things and keep your room organized.
  9. Keep surfaces clear: Keeping your surfaces clear of clutter will help keep your room neat and organized.
  10. Do a deep clean: Doing a deep clean of your room every once in a while will help keep it looking and feeling fresh.

Utilize Storage Containers

Storage containers are a great way to keep your room clean and organized. Plastic containers, such as bins, boxes, and baskets, can be used to store items like books, toys, and clothing. These containers can be stored in closets, under beds, and in other areas of your room. Labeling the containers can help you keep track of what is stored in each one. Additionally, using a storage ottoman or bench can maximize the storage space in your room while also offering a seating option.

Use Hooks.
Hooks are a great way to keep your room organized and free of clutter. Wall hooks can be used to hang items such as backpacks, hats, and coats. You can also use over-the-door organizers to hang items like scarves and belts. This will help you to keep your floor space clear and your items organized.

Create Zones.
Organizing your room into zones can help you keep your room clean and organized. Designate certain areas for different activities such as studying, sleeping, and entertaining. This will help you keep track of where certain items belong and what areas are designated for certain activities.

Declutter Regularly.
Regularly decluttering your room is one of the best ways to keep it clean and organized. Going through your items and getting rid of anything that you don’t use or need can help you make more space and keep your room organized. Consider donating or selling items that are still in good condition but that you no longer need. This will help you to keep your room clutter-free.

Sort and Purge

  1. Start by sorting through all of the items in your room. Separate the items into categories, such as clothes, books, knick-knacks, etc.
  2. Purge items that you no longer want or need. Donate, recycle, or throw away items that you no longer want in your room.
  3. Organize your remaining items into designated containers or shelves. Place like items together for easy access.
  4. Store items away regularly. Whenever you finish using something, put it away in its designated spot.
  5. Clean your room on a regular basis. Vacuum or sweep, dust, and wipe down surfaces to keep your room looking organized and clean.
  6. Set a designated spot for all incoming items. Make sure to put them away right away, and don’t forget to sort and purge regularly.
  7. Invest in storage solutions that make sense to you. Bins, baskets, and shelves make it easier to keep your room organized and clutter free.

Maximize Vertical Space

One of the best ways to keep your room clean and organized is to maximize your vertical space. This means utilizing the walls and ceilings to store items that you don’t need immediate access to. Hang shelves, hooks, and baskets to help store items off the floor, and use the walls for art and photos. Place storage bins and boxes on shelves to store items like extra blankets, books, and games. You can also use the ceiling for hanging storage, like a shoe rack or a mobile wardrobe. Additionally, you can use over-the-door racks and hangers to store items like hats, scarves, and jewelry.

Invest in Quality Organizing Supplies

The first step to keeping your room clean and organized is to invest in quality organizing supplies. This could include things like baskets, shelves, drawers, containers, and other storage solutions. Choose containers that are the right size for the items you are storing, and look for containers that are durable and made with quality materials. Be sure to label each container so you know exactly what is inside.

Once you have your supplies, it’s time to organize your room. Start by sorting items into categories such as clothes, books, electronics, etc. Place each item into the appropriate container and label it. This will keep your room from becoming cluttered and make it easier to find items.

Finally, create a cleaning routine and stick to it. Choose a day of the week to do a deep clean of your room. This could include sweeping and mopping the floors, dusting, and wiping down surfaces. You should also take a few minutes each day to tidy up items that have been left out and put them back in the appropriate containers. With a little bit of effort and the right organizing supplies, you can keep your room clean and organized for years to come.


What are some effective ways to stay on top of keeping your room clean and organized?

One of the most effective ways to stay on top of keeping your room clean and organized is to develop a daily cleaning routine. This means setting aside time every day to pick up and put away items, vacuum and dust, and tidy surfaces.

What should I do with items I don’t need or use anymore?

If you have items you no longer need or use, it’s best to donate them or give them away. This is a great way to declutter your space and help others in need. If the items are in good condition, you may even be able to make some extra money by selling them.

How can I create a comfortable and inviting space in my bedroom?

To create a comfortable and inviting bedroom, you can start by focusing on the colors and decor, as well as the lighting. Choose calming colors for your walls and bedding, and add artwork and decorations that reflect your personal style and make you feel relaxed. You can also incorporate plants and cozy furniture pieces, such as a comfortable armchair or a soft ottoman.